Go Through Withdrawal and Detox at Rehabilitation Centers in Los Angeles

Although many people conceptually understand what rehab is, the actual process that takes place at rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles is often a mystery to many. In order to better understand how rehab can better set you up for success in your addiction recovery, let’s take a look at how it deals with the effects of withdrawal and the process of detoxification.

The Effects of Withdrawal

When talking about withdrawal in terms of addiction, this refers to the set of symptoms that a person will experience following reduced use of an addictive substance they’ve been consuming regularly. These occur as a result of the body having grown used to the intake and creating a new normal that is hard to get out of. Depending on the substance in question, symptoms of withdrawal include sweating, anxiety, depression, general malaise, restlessness, insomnia, excessive yawning and sneezing, nasal discharge, cold sweats, muscle and bone aches, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, watery eyes, cramps, fever, and involuntary spasms in the limbs. The best way to get through this difficult stage in addiction recovery is to find rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles for detoxification treatment.

The Detoxification Process

Withdrawal can be very dangerous for the body, especially when the patient doesn’t count with the right tools to deal with it. After all, addiction has created a new homeostatic normal setting in the body, which can make it dangerous to suddenly cut off the intake. If the body is used to consistently receiving a certain substance that makes the body achieve a particular effect, suddenly cutting it off can be quite a harmful thing to do. The body can suffer from a bit of a whiplash effect from the discontinuation of substance use, deeply affecting the homeostasis and resulting in physical symptoms as well as long term medical consequences. Detoxification medically guides the body through this process in order to protect it and ease the patient into a safer state. 

Rehabilitation Treatment

The importance of detoxification when it comes to rehab cannot be overstated. After all, rehabilitation calls for a lot of psychological and emotional work, which is going to be very hard to do if your body itself is physiologically craving the substance. Beyond the dangers of withdrawal, it will also be another force to fight against during therapeutic treatments if you don’t address it properly. Detoxification allows you, not only to better deal with the effects of withdrawal, but also concentrate on the different treatments that rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles will have to offer.

Rehabilitation Centers in Los Angeles

Rehabilitation is not exactly easy. It calls for a lot of work on the part of the patient, both physically and emotionally. The good news is that this isn’t a process one has to go through alone. Here at Saving My Tomorrow, one of the best rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles, we want to make sure that you have the support and assistance you need through this journey. To learn more about how our caring staff and outstanding facility can help you, give us a call at 818-457-3302 or fill out the contact form on our website. We’re ready to aid you in your recovery.

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